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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fingers nail PAIN!!

My fingers nail was so long till i accidently cut my face and mummy intend to trim my nails this morning. But mummy accidently cut my fingers while triming and my fingers bleed and non-stop bleeding.. mummy was so worried and trying to stop bleed but still not getting better so mummy call daddy to bring me to see doctor. Luckily doctor told mummy, not seriously just wash and keep clean on the wounds.. at least mummy and daddy not so worried! Mummy say i was so brave that i didnt cry when my fingers was being cut even though is pain.. BUT poor thing mummy so worried till tears drop and daddy was so cool and consol mummy.. Mummy don't worry i don't blame you!! Love you mummy&daddy...


Unknown said...

Dear Clarisse,

Maybe you can ask your mommy to use cosmetic scissors. It is suitable for little kids and babies nails.

warmest regards,
Aunt Agnes

jimmz said...

dearrrrr clarissseee,

i m jimmz uncle...muz be pain right...no wry u faster grow up den help mama to trim...BUT not cut yr mama nails arrr....LOL LOVee ya....

Anonymous said...

Babe Clarisse,
I'm so glad u put up such a brave front in spite of your pain n loss of blood. I'm sure u din blame your mum either. U remind me of your hyperactive cousin Nicholas. I remember hearing from your grand ma when he got injection from the doctor when he was a several months old baby. I heard he din cry either apart from the shock reaction from the sharp needle. Clarisse, you are showing signs of an Iron Lady to be in the years ahead....